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FAP 2301Finance & Accounting for non-financial managers: I m p r o v i n g fi n a n c i a l literacyManagers, head of departments, division supervisors, admin officers, non-financial mangers, project managers , project . Operations officers.To be discussedN100,000
FAP 2302 P r u d e n t fi n a n c i a l managers & accountability i n p u b l i c & p r i v a t e institutionsProject accountant, auditors, accountants, account and audit executives, finance and supplies officers. To be discussedN100,000
FAP 2303 Budgeting and Budgetary control workshop. Heads of Departments, budget directors, budget officers, local government chai rmen and treasurersTo be discussedN100,000
FAP 2304 Improvement course for account officers in the public service. S e n i o r a c c o u n t s o f fi c e r s , executive officers and supervisors accounts, audit assistants and audit supervisors in public and private organizations.To be discussedN100,000
FAP 2305R e f re she r cour s e fo r account s super vi sor s , accountants, auditors & administrative staff. Principle executive officers, accountants, higher executive officers, senior executive officers, accounts and audit departmentsTo be discussedN100,000
FAP 2306Advanced accounting and auditing for public sector organizationsH e a d s o f i n t e r n a l a u d i t depar tments, internal audit officers in both the public and private sector organisations.To be discussedN100,000
FAP 2307Financial management and expenditure control workshopFinance managers, consultants, and analysis.To be discussedN100,000
FAP 2308 Public sector accounting workshop .Heads of account in public sector, treasurers and accountants in local governments, budget officers.To be discussedN100,000
.G e t t i n g i t r i g h t i n t r a n s f o r m a t i o n a l leadership: Accounting and Transparency training portfolio.Accountants, managers and auditors in private and public organizations...
..Public sector t reasury management .Accountants, local government treasurers, account officers in public sectors..
FAP 2309Budgeting and financial managementManagers, accountants and budget officersTo be discussedN100,000
FAP 2310 Cost planning, control management Senior accountants, higher executive officers, auditors, project officers/supervisorsTo be discussedN100,000
FAP 2311 E v a l u a t i n g fi n a n c i a l performance D i r e c t o r s , m a n a g e r s , accountants and project officersTo be discussedN100,000
FAP 2312 Fundamental principles of financial reporting and analysisH ighe r exe cut i ve office r s , auditors, budget officers, account supervisors and cashiersTo be discussedN100,000
.Strategic management and expenditure control for management staff .D i r e c t o r s , m a n a g e r s , accountants, auditors and project officers...


ODM 2313 Organisational business process re-engineering .Chief executives of government parastatals and agencies; senior and top management members of private organisations and those who want to maximize their personal effectiveness, build their professional reputation and credibility.To be discussedN100,000
ODM 2314 Advanced management skills for secretaries and personal assistants Confidential secretaries and personal assistants attached to top execut ives , HOD’s and divisions in both the public and private organisations.To be discussedN100,000
ODM 2315 Effective meeting skills for secretaries and executive officers Personal secretaries, secretaries, higher executive officers and executive officersTo be discussedN100,000
ODM 2316 Clerical officers’ refresher course Registry clerk, dispatch clerks, accounts clerks, stores clerks, transport clerks and others in clerical position in all possible gradesTo be discussedN100,000
ODM 2317 Office management for productivity HR Managers, personnel officers, executive officers, assistant executive officers, accounting officers.To be discussedN100,000
ODM 2318W o r k e t h i c s a n d organization productivity . Officers in managerial cadre in private sector and officers on grade level 7 and above in public sectorsTo be discussedN100,000
ODM 2319S t r e s s a n d s t r e s s management in workplace.B u s i n e s s e x e c u t i v e s a n d managers at all levelsTo be discussedN100,000
ODM 2320 Advanced management skills and for secretaries and personal assistants .S e c r e t a r i e s a n d p e r s o n a l assistants.To be discussedN100,000


BOD 2321 Pre-Retirement training workshop. Officers that are about to retire, senior and middle level officerTo be discussedN100,000
BOD 2322Youth empowerment and entrepreneurship skills development workshop Yo u t h s , c o r p s m e m b e r s , unemployed graduate, studentsTo be discussedN100,000
BOD 2323 I n v e s t m e n t a n d r i s k management workshopProject and investment officers, loans and advances officersTo be discussedN100,000
BOD 2324 E n t r e p r e n e u r s h i p development workshop for retiring officers Ret i red officers , personnel officers and officers that are about to retire.To be discussedN100,000
BOD 2325 Management workshop for cooperative and agroallied ventures .General managers, chairmen in cooperative society, accountants in cooperative society, agric extension officersTo be discussedN100,000


CSP 2326 M a s t e r i n g p o w e r f u l presentations Di rectors, deputy di rectors, general managers, assistant general manager s , human resources managersTo be discussedN100,000
CSP 2327 Personal effectiveness and i n fl u e n c i n g s k i l l s programme Those who need to achieve r e s u l t s t h r o u g h p e r s o n a l influence, di rectors, deputy directors, general managers, assistant general managers, human resources managers.To be discussedN100,000
CSP 2328 Effective communication skills and management for managers Managers, team leaders and supervisors who are looking for performance improvements on bot an individual and team basis.To be discussedN100,000
CSP 2329Speech making and report wr i t ing workshop for protocol officers, personal assistants and speech writers. Protocol officers, speech writers, personal assistants, secretaries, executive officers and other officers responsible for writing reportsTo be discussedN100,000


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ICT 2330 Word proces s ing and graphics for report writing a n d d o c u m e n t presentation. P l a n n i n g r e s e a r c h , administrative and information officers, personal assistance and secretaries.To be discussedN100,000
ICT 2331 N e t w o r k , i n t e r n e t t e c h n o l o g y a n d administration workshop .S y s t e m s a n d n e t w o r k a d m i n i s t r a t o r s , n e t w o r k engineer, network analysts.To be discussedN100,000
ICT 2332 Application of information technology in human resource management workshop Personnel officers, personnel managers, administrative and executive officers, managers, c o m p u t e r o p e r a t o r s a n d secretariesTo be discussedN100,000
ICT 2333 Advanced spreadsheet application workshop for accounts/budget/personn el officers & engineers Accountants, budget officers, financial advisers, audi tors, personnel officers and engineersTo be discussedN100,000
ICT 2334 A d v a n c e d a t a b a s e application workshop for managers and personnel officers (Using Microsoft Access) Human resources managers, personnel officers, administrative managers & officers, inventory managers and others whose responsibilities involve record keeping and storage. To be discussedN100,000


LGP 2335 P l a n n i n g a n d management of social services and infrastructure Planning, budget, finance, senior and middle level managers, supervisors, project/operation manage r s , admini s t r a t i ve managers, director, assistant directors, personnel managers, executive officers. To be discussedN100,000
LGP 2336The community driven d e v e l o p m e n t ( C D D ) a p p r o a ch to p o v e r t y reduction The entire community benefiting from a project, planning, budget, finance, senior and middle level m a n a g e r s , s u p e r v i s o r s , p r o j e c t / o p e r a t i o n managers/officers, senior officials of external funding agencies & diplomatic. To be discussedN100,000
LGP 2337 Planning and budgeting at the local government level .Local government chairmen and other top functionaries, planning, budget, finance and senior and middle level management , supervisors.To be discussedN100,000
LGP 2338 Poverty alleviation policies and strategies. Senior public sector officials, project managers, senior officials of external funding agencies, N G O s and the diploma t i c community as well as the private sector.To be discussedN100,000
ICT 2334 A d v a n c e d a t a b a s e application workshop for managers and personnel officers (Using Microsoft Access) Human resources managers, personnel officers, administrative managers & officers, inventory managers and others whose responsibilities involve record keeping and storage. To be discussedN100,000


HRM 2339 Managing the human resource for sustained result workshop .Personnel and administrative officers and managers To be discussedN100,000
HRM 2340 Pension management and administration workshop Pension officer and manager, human resources managers and administratorsTo be discussedN100,000
HRM 2341 T a r g e t s e t t i n g a n d performance appraisal workshop Personnel managers, human development managers, senior and middle-level managersTo be discussedN100,000
HRM 2342 Emotional intelligence in the workplace Managers at all levels To be discussedN100,000
HRM 2343 H u m a n r e s o u r c e m a n a g e m e n t a n d indust r ial relat ions in public and private sectors D i r e c t o r s , H R m a n a g e r s , industrial relation managers, w a g e s a n d s a l a r i e s administrators, accountants, accountants, auditors and labour and trade union officers.To be discussedN100,000
HRM 2344 Knowledge management in organizations Top and middle level officers in public and private sectorsTo be discussedN100,000
HRM 2345 Leadership training skills f o r m a n a g e r s a n d executives Managers, supervisors and other o f fi c e r s r e s p o n s i b l e f o r organization’s success.To be discussedN100,000
HRM 2346Managing change through people Di rectors, deputy di rectors, m a n a g e r s a n d o f fi c e r s respons ible organi zat ion’s successTo be discussedN100,000
HRM 2347P e r f o r m a n c e m a n a g e m e n t a n d evaluation Di rectors, deputy di rectors, m a n a g e r s a n d o f fi c e r s ’ respons ible organi zat ion’s success.To be discussedN100,000
HRM 2348 VALUE-based leadership: Ethics Management and corporate Governance .Middle level officers, deputy directors and directors in public serviceTo be discussed N100,000
HRM 2340 T e a m B u i l d i n g a n d personnel relationship skillsMiddle level officers, deputy directors and directors in public service.To be discussed N100,000


DRP 2350Driver’s Refresher courseDriversTo be discussedN100,000
DRP 2351 Effect ive and efficient driving skill course .Transport officers and drivers To be discussedN100,000
DRP 2352 Public relation for drivers and allied transport staffDrivers and allied transport staff in the publ i c and pr i va te organization To be discussedN100,000
DRP 2353 Enhancing the roles and contribution of the drivers and the security personnel for improved performance .Drivers, security personnel. To be discussedN100,000


HSE 2354 Driver’s Ref reaenforcing b e h a v i o u r i a l s a f e t y m a n a g e m e n t f o r organisation development sher course .To be discussedN100,000
HSE 2355 To be discussed N100,000I m p r o v i n g s a f e t y per formance through Ergonomics based risk m a n a g e m e n t f o r operational efficiency .To be discussedN100,000
HSE 2356 I n t r o d u c t i o n to l e a n approach for eliminating production wastes and H S E p e r f o r m a n c e o p t i m i z a t i o n i n t h e manufacturing industry. .To be discussedN100,000
HSE 2357 Building safety business pa r t n e r s h i p t h ro ugh leadership led activities – The new approach to e f f e c t i v e s a f e t y management. .To be discussedN100,000