FAP 2301 | Finance & Accounting for non-financial managers: I m p r o v i n g fi n a n c i a l literacy | Managers, head of departments, division supervisors, admin officers, non-financial mangers, project managers , project . Operations officers. | To be discussed | N100,000 |
FAP 2302 | P r u d e n t fi n a n c i a l managers & accountability i n p u b l i c & p r i v a t e institutions | Project accountant, auditors, accountants, account and audit executives, finance and supplies officers. | To be discussed | N100,000 |
FAP 2303 | Budgeting and Budgetary control workshop. | Heads of Departments, budget directors, budget officers, local government chai rmen and treasurers | To be discussed | N100,000 |
FAP 2304 | Improvement course for account officers in the public service. | S e n i o r a c c o u n t s o f fi c e r s , executive officers and supervisors accounts, audit assistants and audit supervisors in public and private organizations. | To be discussed | N100,000 |
FAP 2305 | R e f re she r cour s e fo r account s super vi sor s , accountants, auditors & administrative staff. | Principle executive officers, accountants, higher executive officers, senior executive officers, accounts and audit departments | To be discussed | N100,000 |
FAP 2306 | Advanced accounting and auditing for public sector organizations | H e a d s o f i n t e r n a l a u d i t depar tments, internal audit officers in both the public and private sector organisations. | To be discussed | N100,000 |
FAP 2307 | Financial management and expenditure control workshop | Finance managers, consultants, and analysis. | To be discussed | N100,000 |
FAP 2308 | Public sector accounting workshop . | Heads of account in public sector, treasurers and accountants in local governments, budget officers. | To be discussed | N100,000 |
. | G e t t i n g i t r i g h t i n t r a n s f o r m a t i o n a l leadership: Accounting and Transparency training portfolio. | Accountants, managers and auditors in private and public organizations. | . | . |
. | .Public sector t reasury management . | Accountants, local government treasurers, account officers in public sectors | . | . |
FAP 2309 | Budgeting and financial management | Managers, accountants and budget officers | To be discussed | N100,000 |
FAP 2310 | Cost planning, control management | Senior accountants, higher executive officers, auditors, project officers/supervisors | To be discussed | N100,000 |
FAP 2311 | E v a l u a t i n g fi n a n c i a l performance | D i r e c t o r s , m a n a g e r s , accountants and project officers | To be discussed | N100,000 |
FAP 2312 | Fundamental principles of financial reporting and analysis | H ighe r exe cut i ve office r s , auditors, budget officers, account supervisors and cashiers | To be discussed | N100,000 |
. | Strategic management and expenditure control for management staff . | D i r e c t o r s , m a n a g e r s , accountants, auditors and project officers | . | .. |
ODM 2313 | Organisational business process re-engineering . | Chief executives of government parastatals and agencies; senior and top management members of private organisations and those who want to maximize their personal effectiveness, build their professional reputation and credibility. | To be discussed | N100,000 |
ODM 2314 | Advanced management skills for secretaries and personal assistants | Confidential secretaries and personal assistants attached to top execut ives , HOD’s and divisions in both the public and private organisations. | To be discussed | N100,000 |
ODM 2315 | Effective meeting skills for secretaries and executive officers | Personal secretaries, secretaries, higher executive officers and executive officers | To be discussed | N100,000 |
ODM 2316 | Clerical officers’ refresher course | Registry clerk, dispatch clerks, accounts clerks, stores clerks, transport clerks and others in clerical position in all possible grades | To be discussed | N100,000 |
ODM 2317 | Office management for productivity | HR Managers, personnel officers, executive officers, assistant executive officers, accounting officers. | To be discussed | N100,000 |
ODM 2318 | W o r k e t h i c s a n d organization productivity . | Officers in managerial cadre in private sector and officers on grade level 7 and above in public sectors | To be discussed | N100,000 |
ODM 2319 | S t r e s s a n d s t r e s s management in workplace. | B u s i n e s s e x e c u t i v e s a n d managers at all levels | To be discussed | N100,000 |
ODM 2320 | Advanced management skills and for secretaries and personal assistants . | S e c r e t a r i e s a n d p e r s o n a l assistants. | To be discussed | N100,000 |
BOD 2321 | Pre-Retirement training workshop. | Officers that are about to retire, senior and middle level officer | To be discussed | N100,000 |
BOD 2322 | Youth empowerment and entrepreneurship skills development workshop | Yo u t h s , c o r p s m e m b e r s , unemployed graduate, students | To be discussed | N100,000 |
BOD 2323 | I n v e s t m e n t a n d r i s k management workshop | Project and investment officers, loans and advances officers | To be discussed | N100,000 |
BOD 2324 | E n t r e p r e n e u r s h i p development workshop for retiring officers | Ret i red officers , personnel officers and officers that are about to retire. | To be discussed | N100,000 |
BOD 2325 | Management workshop for cooperative and agroallied ventures . | General managers, chairmen in cooperative society, accountants in cooperative society, agric extension officers | To be discussed | N100,000 |
CSP 2326 | M a s t e r i n g p o w e r f u l presentations | Di rectors, deputy di rectors, general managers, assistant general manager s , human resources managers | To be discussed | N100,000 |
CSP 2327 | Personal effectiveness and i n fl u e n c i n g s k i l l s programme | Those who need to achieve r e s u l t s t h r o u g h p e r s o n a l influence, di rectors, deputy directors, general managers, assistant general managers, human resources managers. | To be discussed | N100,000 |
CSP 2328 | Effective communication skills and management for managers | Managers, team leaders and supervisors who are looking for performance improvements on bot an individual and team basis. | To be discussed | N100,000 |
CSP 2329 | Speech making and report wr i t ing workshop for protocol officers, personal assistants and speech writers. | Protocol officers, speech writers, personal assistants, secretaries, executive officers and other officers responsible for writing reports | To be discussed | N100,000 |
SMP 23 | . | . | . | . |
SMP 23 | . | . | . | . |
SMP 23 | . | . | . | . |
ICT 2330 | Word proces s ing and graphics for report writing a n d d o c u m e n t presentation. | P l a n n i n g r e s e a r c h , administrative and information officers, personal assistance and secretaries. | To be discussed | N100,000 |
ICT 2331 | N e t w o r k , i n t e r n e t t e c h n o l o g y a n d administration workshop . | S y s t e m s a n d n e t w o r k a d m i n i s t r a t o r s , n e t w o r k engineer, network analysts. | To be discussed | N100,000 |
ICT 2332 | Application of information technology in human resource management workshop | Personnel officers, personnel managers, administrative and executive officers, managers, c o m p u t e r o p e r a t o r s a n d secretaries | To be discussed | N100,000 |
ICT 2333 | Advanced spreadsheet application workshop for accounts/budget/personn el officers & engineers | Accountants, budget officers, financial advisers, audi tors, personnel officers and engineers | To be discussed | N100,000 |
ICT 2334 | A d v a n c e d a t a b a s e application workshop for managers and personnel officers (Using Microsoft Access) | Human resources managers, personnel officers, administrative managers & officers, inventory managers and others whose responsibilities involve record keeping and storage. | To be discussed | N100,000 |
LGP 2335 | P l a n n i n g a n d management of social services and infrastructure | Planning, budget, finance, senior and middle level managers, supervisors, project/operation manage r s , admini s t r a t i ve managers, director, assistant directors, personnel managers, executive officers. | To be discussed | N100,000 |
LGP 2336 | The community driven d e v e l o p m e n t ( C D D ) a p p r o a ch to p o v e r t y reduction | The entire community benefiting from a project, planning, budget, finance, senior and middle level m a n a g e r s , s u p e r v i s o r s , p r o j e c t / o p e r a t i o n managers/officers, senior officials of external funding agencies & diplomatic. | To be discussed | N100,000 |
LGP 2337 | Planning and budgeting at the local government level . | Local government chairmen and other top functionaries, planning, budget, finance and senior and middle level management , supervisors. | To be discussed | N100,000 |
LGP 2338 | Poverty alleviation policies and strategies. | Senior public sector officials, project managers, senior officials of external funding agencies, N G O s and the diploma t i c community as well as the private sector. | To be discussed | N100,000 |
ICT 2334 | A d v a n c e d a t a b a s e application workshop for managers and personnel officers (Using Microsoft Access) | Human resources managers, personnel officers, administrative managers & officers, inventory managers and others whose responsibilities involve record keeping and storage. | To be discussed | N100,000 |
HRM 2339 | Managing the human resource for sustained result workshop . | Personnel and administrative officers and managers | To be discussed | N100,000 |
HRM 2340 | Pension management and administration workshop | Pension officer and manager, human resources managers and administrators | To be discussed | N100,000 |
HRM 2341 | T a r g e t s e t t i n g a n d performance appraisal workshop | Personnel managers, human development managers, senior and middle-level managers | To be discussed | N100,000 |
HRM 2342 | Emotional intelligence in the workplace | Managers at all levels | To be discussed | N100,000 |
HRM 2343 | H u m a n r e s o u r c e m a n a g e m e n t a n d indust r ial relat ions in public and private sectors | D i r e c t o r s , H R m a n a g e r s , industrial relation managers, w a g e s a n d s a l a r i e s administrators, accountants, accountants, auditors and labour and trade union officers. | To be discussed | N100,000 |
HRM 2344 | Knowledge management in organizations | Top and middle level officers in public and private sectors | To be discussed | N100,000 |
HRM 2345 | Leadership training skills f o r m a n a g e r s a n d executives | Managers, supervisors and other o f fi c e r s r e s p o n s i b l e f o r organization’s success. | To be discussed | N100,000 |
HRM 2346 | Managing change through people | Di rectors, deputy di rectors, m a n a g e r s a n d o f fi c e r s respons ible organi zat ion’s success | To be discussed | N100,000 |
HRM 2347 | P e r f o r m a n c e m a n a g e m e n t a n d evaluation | Di rectors, deputy di rectors, m a n a g e r s a n d o f fi c e r s ’ respons ible organi zat ion’s success. | To be discussed | N100,000 |
HRM 2348 | VALUE-based leadership: Ethics Management and corporate Governance . | Middle level officers, deputy directors and directors in public service | To be discussed | N100,000 |
HRM 2340 | T e a m B u i l d i n g a n d personnel relationship skills | Middle level officers, deputy directors and directors in public service. | To be discussed | N100,000 |
DRP 2350 | Driver’s Refresher course | Drivers | To be discussed | N100,000 |
DRP 2351 | Effect ive and efficient driving skill course . | Transport officers and drivers | To be discussed | N100,000 |
DRP 2352 | Public relation for drivers and allied transport staff | Drivers and allied transport staff in the publ i c and pr i va te organization | To be discussed | N100,000 |
DRP 2353 | Enhancing the roles and contribution of the drivers and the security personnel for improved performance . | Drivers, security personnel. | To be discussed | N100,000 |
HSE 2354 | Driver’s Ref reaenforcing b e h a v i o u r i a l s a f e t y m a n a g e m e n t f o r organisation development sher course | . | To be discussed | N100,000 |
HSE 2355 To be discussed N100,000 | I m p r o v i n g s a f e t y per formance through Ergonomics based risk m a n a g e m e n t f o r operational efficiency | . | To be discussed | N100,000 |
HSE 2356 | I n t r o d u c t i o n to l e a n approach for eliminating production wastes and H S E p e r f o r m a n c e o p t i m i z a t i o n i n t h e manufacturing industry. | . | To be discussed | N100,000 |
HSE 2357 | Building safety business pa r t n e r s h i p t h ro ugh leadership led activities – The new approach to e f f e c t i v e s a f e t y management. | . | To be discussed | N100,000 |
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